Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, not only attracts tourists with its beaches and volcanic landscapes but is also an ideal place for astrotourism. Thanks to its clear skies and minimal light pollution, the island has become a mecca for astronomy enthusiasts. In this article, we will explain why Tenerife is worth visiting for stargazing, which places and observatories you should visit, and what excursions are available for astronomical observations.

Why Tenerife is Perfect for Astrotourism

Tenerife has unique natural conditions that make it an ideal place for stargazing:

  • Clear Skies: Due to its high altitude and the absence of major industrial facilities, the air in Tenerife is very clean.
  • Minimal Light Pollution: Far from large cities and tourist centers, you can find places with minimal light pollution.
  • High-altitude Observatories: The island is home to renowned observatories equipped with modern instruments.

Best Places for Stargazing in Tenerife

Teide National Park

Teide National Park, which includes Mount Teide, is one of the best places for astronomical observations. The altitude of over 2000 meters above sea level provides excellent conditions for stargazing.

  • Recommendations:
    • Go to the viewpoint at night.
    • Bring warm clothes as the nights can be cold.

Roque de los Muchachos

Roque de los Muchachos, located on the neighboring island of La Palma, also offers excellent conditions for astrotourism. It is one of the most famous stargazing spots in the world.

  • Recommendations:
    • Book a tour in advance.
    • Use the telescopes available for tourists.

Tenerife Observatory

The Tenerife Observatory, located at about 2400 meters above sea level, is one of the leading observatories in the world. Here, you can not only see the stars but also learn a lot about modern astronomy.

  • Recommendations:
    • Sign up for a tour.
    • Check out special events and lectures held at the observatory.

Astrotourism Tours and Excursions in Tenerife

Astronomical Tours

Many companies offer special astronomical tours that include visits to the best stargazing spots, observatories, and lectures by professionals.

  • Popular Tours:
    • Teide By Night: A tour that includes dinner and stargazing in Teide National Park.
    • Tenerife Stargazing: A tour with professional guides and telescopes.

Private Excursions

If you prefer a personalized approach, you can book a private excursion with a guide who will show you the best spots for stargazing and share their knowledge about space.

  • Advantages of Private Excursions:
    • Personalized itinerary.
    • Opportunity to ask the guide any questions.

Astronomical Events in Tenerife

Event Calendar

Tenerife regularly hosts astronomical events such as star parties, lectures, and special observations. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested to learn more about space and observe the stars with professional telescopes.

  • Popular Events:
    • Solar Eclipses: Organized observations of solar eclipses with safe equipment.
    • Meteor Showers: Best dates and places to watch meteor showers.

How to Prepare for an Astronomical Tour

Before traveling to Tenerife for astrotourism, consider a few important points:

  • Equipment: Bring warm clothes as the nights can be cold.
  • Gear: If you have your own telescope or binoculars, don’t forget to bring them. Many tours also provide rental equipment.
  • Food and Water: In some places, there may not be shops or cafes nearby.

Useful Tips for Astrotourists

  • Study a Star Map: Before your trip, study a star map to know what to look for.
  • Use Stargazing Apps: Download stargazing apps to help you navigate the night sky.
  • Protect Your Eyes: Give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness, avoid using bright lights before stargazing.


What are the best months for astrotourism in Tenerife?

The best months for astrotourism in Tenerife are from April to September when the sky is clearest and there are fewer clouds.

Can I take children on astronomical excursions?

Yes, many excursions and tours are designed for the whole family. Children will be thrilled to see stars and planets through telescopes.

Do I need special preparation to participate in an astronomical tour?

No special preparation is required. All necessary instructions and equipment are provided by the tour organizers.

What telescopes are used for observations?

Various telescopes are used for observations, including powerful reflectors and refractors that allow you to see details of the Moon, planets, and distant galaxies.

Can I stargaze without a telescope?

Yes, many stars and constellations are visible to the naked eye. However, telescopes will allow you to see much more detail and objects.

Astrotourism in Tenerife is a unique opportunity to experience the wonders of the cosmos and enjoy the starry sky in one of the best places on the planet. Whether you are a professional or just a hobbyist, Tenerife will provide you with an unforgettable astronomical experience.