The Tenerife cable car is not just an attraction, but a unique opportunity to take a bird’s eye view of the island, feel the majesty of the Teide volcano and enjoy breathtaking panoramic views.

Two cable car routes, laid along the slopes of the volcanic massif, lead to different, but equally impressive locations.

First route:

Final stop: La Rambla (3550 m above sea level)
Duration: 8 minutes
Difficulty level: Easy
What to see:
Peak Teide: the highest point in Spain (3718 m)
Teide National Park: stunning volcanic landscapes
Las Cañadas Caldera: a huge volcanic crater
Mountain peaks: Roques de Garcia, Montaña Guajara
Sea of ​​Clouds: Stunning views on clear days

Second route:

Final stop: Pico Viejo (3768 m above sea level)
Duration: 20 minutes (with a change at La Rambla)
Difficulty: medium
What to see:
Teide Crater: descent into the crater is only possible with special permission
Island Panorama: 360-degree view of Tenerife and neighboring islands
Landscapes: Martian landscapes, frozen lava flows
Research Station: A research center that studies volcanic activity.

Third route

Descent to Roque de Garcia (3250 m):

  • Duration: 8 minutes (with a change at La Rambla)
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Availability: seasonal (check when purchasing tickets)


The Pico Viejo upper station is not always accessible due to weather conditions.
A special permit is required to climb Pico Viejo, which can be obtained online or at the cable car ticket office.
Clothes: It is always cold and windy at the top of Teide, so bring warm clothes and comfortable shoes.
Tickets: Cable car tickets can be purchased online or at the ticket office.


How much does a cable car ticket cost?

The ticket price depends on the route:

La Rambla: €26 (round trip)
Pico Viejo: €45 (round trip)
How to get to the cable car?

The cable car can be reached by bus, car or taxi.

Are there cafes and restaurants on the cable car?

Yes, there are cafes and restaurants at both cable car stations.

Is it worth going on the cable car with children?

Yes, the cable car ride is an unforgettable Erlebnis for the whole family.

What other interesting places are there in Tenerife?

Tenerife has many interesting places: beaches, natural parks, historical cities, water parks and much more.

The Tenerife cable car is a must-do for any traveler who wants to see the island from a bird’s eye view and feel the full power of the Teide volcano.

Don’t be afraid of heights, go up and enjoy the incredible scenery!